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Saturday, 10 December 2011

He Who Began A Good Work In You, In Me

He who began a good work in you
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it
He'll be faithful to complete it
He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you

If the struggle you're facing
Is slowly replacing
Your hope with despair
Or the process is long
And you're losing your song
In the night

You can be sure
That the Lord has His hand on you
Safe and secure
He will never abandon you
You are His treasure
And He finds His pleasure in you 

He who began a good work in you
He who began a good work in you
Will be faithful to complete it
He'll be faithful to complete it
He who started the work
Will be faithful to complete it in you

--- By Steve Green

Saturday, 3 December 2011

My reaction to Obstruction

Bible Reading: Psalm 118 verse 10 – 13
The bible says the nation compass me about. It didn’t say just one man or one woman, but a whole nation.  So what is your reaction to your obstruction or what are your obstructions?
Let me give you a quick introduction. The bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. The bible made us to believe that even the righteous cry, but the Lord delivers them out of all their troubles – psalm 34 verse 17. The psalmist was saying that the nations compass him about, but in the name of the Lord I destroy them. Now a lot of Christians forget this bible passage when obstruction comes their way.
There’s no place on earth where there is no affliction or trouble. Know this, that whatever trouble comes your way either make you a better person or a worse person. An example is the problem in Japan recently but even in this, what they are saying is that they will make it. They encouraged themselves in the Lord.
If you look in the bible, you’ll notice the men of God in there had one trouble or the other but they came out of them all. The Lord Almighty delivered them of them all.
So what are your reactions as a Christian to the obstruction you face on a daily basis? How are you approaching your obstructions?  Whatever we do, obstructions will come anyway. Remember that the psalmist said that the nations compass him about, but in the name of the Lord I destroy them all. What do you think the psalmist was referring to as nations? He was talking about things we face such as immigration problems, marital problems. But he put them together, so it became nations compassing him about.
Now if as a Christians, you reaction to your problems are very timid, then you might not be going anywhere. If your reactions are negative, then you may not go far. Your obstructions are only for a while. Most obstructions are blessing in disguise but unfortunately many do not know. Many problems are hidden from us, and by the time you notice, you cuddle up. If you have shown a positive reaction, you might have come out of it a better person.
A lot of us also have our actions and attitude. Some of us have bad attitude; some of us come to church but still swear after the bible says you should not swear. Some Christians still think a problem can overshadow or swallow them. When some people face an obstruction, they feel it is the end for them. Some confess it, saying everything has finished.
Beloved your reactions and attitude should be positive and optimistic. I’m talking about when things are falling apart, e.g. when immigration is about to deport you or doctors are telling you to expect complications in the birth of your baby. I’m not talking about when things are going smoothly but when there’s an obstruction. What comes out of the mouth of a Christian?
That’s why people laugh at some women who want to give birth. Because the say so many wrong things as a result of the pain. What they should be saying is Jesus help me!
 Some people call themselves Christians and say a lot of negative things when there’s obstruction. You should remain positive even at challenging times. Remain calm in time of trouble. See your setbacks as just for a season. For example, because you don’t have a job, you now want to jump off river Thames. Or you think you are the only one who’s not married among your friends, so you start panicking.

Your reaction reflects who you are. And your reaction at the time of that obstruction, reflects the real you.  When there’s trouble, the things that come out of your mouth is you and your real person. Not all the “God bless you” and “It is well”.  When there’s a real challenge or trouble, what do you say? Unfortunately, many people don’t see us at a time like that. However what you need to know is that an obstruction has and expiry date and the way you react to it matters. Your attitude is also your mindset.

Some people are not trouble makers but when trouble comes, they become nasty. Some will become downcast when trouble comes, some will become very withdrawn, some will even stop coming to church. Some goes to the length of fighting God, saying he is not answering them. Some resign themselves to faith, saying anything that wants to happen can happen; that they have tried their best. Some will begin to shout, many will cry and cry.

Anything can happen to anybody. There is a story about the G.O, where he was chased out of a MFM branch. In fact he has been chased out and prevented from preaching twice. Shadrack Meshach and Abednego had every reason to complain. They were upright in all their ways yet they were put in a fiery furnace but they had a positive attitude. When you have a positive attitude it will make you courageous instead of being afraid. Look at Paul and Silas, even though they were in jail, they still clap their hand and praise the Lord. How many of you will praise the Lord and not panic instead.

Your attitude in times of trouble is more than the money you have, it’s more than the solicitors you have. The way you react is even more than the environment you live in; it’s more than your relationship or your qualification. It’s more than your status in this country or your relationship. Your reaction matter most. I can tell you some of the reactions I have heard about as a pastor; some will begin to fight with their spouses unnecessary, some drinks and smoke because of a small necessary set back. They go back to the things they have left years ago. And they call themselves Christians.

Some will begin to worry, instead of them to pray and prophesy good things into their lives. They over worry, for two to three hours. How wonderful it would have been had you spoken in tongues for those three hours. Some will begin to take drugs saying they can’t sleep, some will decide to kill themselves, all because of a certain set back. Some will become very insultive and abusive. Some will become very confuse because they are distracted. Some will over eat, some will drive recklessly, and some begins to neglect their lives, their children. Some will begin to fornicate even if they don’t have husbands or wives. Some fall under peer pressure or parent’s pressure to have a spouse or at least have children.

Some will be afraid to sleep and still refuse to sleep, some will be bitter against someone who is better off than them, some will be angry and some will just continue to say the wrong things. Some goes into deep sadness; some will suspend their service for God. Some will backslide and go to parties, some will dress down. Your reaction is more than your friends; it’s more than your prayer. If you don’t have the right attitude, you might not make much progress.
You must have a good reaction to pray your prayer, a good reaction to have faith and to get your answer. The bible says they compass me about. It means the person is surrounded. It means he goes to work, they don’t like him, and he goes to church nobody gives him a seat. In his family he’s mocked and among his friends, he’s just put aside. That’s what it means to be compassed about. May the Lord deliver us from them all.
Some will begin to consult occultic power, prophets and prophetess. They start consulting sorcerers, looking into their future knowing that this obstruction is only for a while. They forget that God has an expiry date for the obstructions. You can completely alter your life, if your reaction is bad you can still alter it. If you want to be happy it’s a choice, and if you want to be sad it’s a choice too.
The bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous. Not sinners, but the righteous. And the bible say, one by one we are delivered from them all. So your happiness, your job, your way forward; it depends on you.

Now how can you develop a good reaction?
·         Speak positive words – Let’s say there’s a problem now, how have you reacted to it. When you speak positive words, you create a positive environment for yourself but when you speak negative words, there will be confusion.
·         Whatever happens to you, look for the good in the situation. Remember the spies who were sent out? How many came with good report? Only two. They didn’t see the giants, but all they said was they were giants. As I always say, if you can use the faith you use to come to the UK in this country, you will go far. Some people only saw pictures of UK and promise themselves they will make it even if they sleep on the street. Some queue for days just to get their visas. But here you are, you say I can’t do anything. Use the faith you had before and see what will happen.
·         Take control of you thought life. And fill yourself with the word of God. A lot of us have forgotten the word of God. Our bible is left at home. Whether you are on the bus or on the train, read the word of God. Dispel negative thoughts with prayers. Let your prayer kill it.
·         Act like a winner who can never loose. In fact when you begin to tell yourself that you can never make it, you are positively true that you can never make it
·         Don’t keep bad company. Do away with those who cannot add anything to your life. Run away from those that will pacify you and tell you it happened to A and B. Keep those that will always encourage you with the word of God. In fact if you talk to somebody for 10 minutes and they didn’t give you the word of God, know that you are only wasting your time.

Prayer Points

  • Holy Spirit help me to have a positive reaction to all obstructions in my life
  • Every power that wants to swallow me, power of God, swallow them
  • Every negative reaction operating in my life, die
  • Thou power behind fear in my life, release me and die
  • Every satanic obstruction, scatter IJN
  • Fire of God, consume every negative reaction in my life
  • Arrows of failure, fired at me, back fire
  • Any power assigned to eat me up, enough is enough, run into fire
  • Every evil remote control operating against me, catch fire
  • Any power standing on my way, fall down and die
  • Every power obstructing my destiny, blood of Jesus destroy them
  • Every satanic cage, that has locked me up break by fire
  • Every power that has refused tom let me go, o ground open up and swallow them
  • Every power controlling me negatively, die IJN
  • Lord Jesus, come into my life